Guess the Picture

Close up pictures of random stuff. Reveal the answer by clicking on 'Show answer' below the close-up. If you don't want to guess you can just look at them.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Help us wreak picture-guessing fun on the web!

Make a suggestion for a new guess-the-picture photograph by commenting on this post. If your suggestion is crazy good, we'll post it! If your suggestion is crazy bad, we'll mock it! Everyone is a winner!

This means you! Anyone can suggest a photo. I know you're thinking that we only want our close friends to make suggestions but you're wrong. We don't have any friends! It's up to you--a complete stranger to drive the content of this site.


nate said...

An example of a mockable, crazy bad suggestion would be: my uncle Filbert's hairy mole

nate said...

An example of a crazy good suggestion would be: 0.5mm pencil lead

Anonymous said...

a towel

Kyle, Carrie, Jenna, and Emily said...

I have some photos you might be able to use or redo.

Kyle, Carrie, Jenna, and Emily said...

Try to guess this item.

I was inspired by your guess the picture that for a week daily I posted a "What is it?" photo.

Kyle, Carrie, Jenna, and Emily said...

Dish soap Bubbles

Emiliano Moran said...

I love all of the close up pictures that you have put up on your blog! This actually goes extremely well with a message that our pastor is speaking on this coming Sunday! I was wondering if there way any way that we could get or buy some of these pictures from you in higher resolution to show during our service. Please let me know if you are interested! Contact me at


Emiliano Moran
Creative Arts Pastor

PattiL said...

I love these!!!! I have to admit that I recently had a 4 day staff meeting and we used some of your photos for a game.... hope you're not too mad.... but everyone loved it.... I think the wrong guesses were the funniest.... it's suprising how something that seems obvious to some, were seen completely different by others..... Keep it up.... I love these kinds of games!!!!

Werner Broos said...

Badminton shutllecock with real feathers will be a nice photo

nate said...

A badminton shuttlecock is an excellent idea. I'll have to see if I can find a real one with feathers. Thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

My dog Bodee's Tail.

wiz said...

the dangly thing in back of throat

Anonymous said...

eye lash

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

belly button

Anonymous said...

shoot, why am i telling you all my good ideas, i'll make my own site.

nate said...

Post a link to your site so we can see it too. Thanks for the suggestions.

StudentLove8 said...

You could use:

-Sand Paper
-tooth (since you have a kid)
-scrap of fabric
-the wall (if it has texture)
-close up of fruit skin

Anonymous said...

i LOVE you website! i send these pics to a friend in our e-mails back and forth and she loves them1 here's a suggestion! paint! of maybe yogurt! anyways, keep it up! you have a GREAT site! lots of fun! thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi please Post more Pictures! Me and my students love playing this game so much. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I love these and I use them with my students. Keep them coming please!

Alice Amice said...

Thank you so much for these. They are wonderful and a really good game for a group of people.

Thank you, thank you!


Anonymous said...

How about an eye or hair?

Unknown said...

I have some pictures for you to post