Guess the Picture

Close up pictures of random stuff. Reveal the answer by clicking on 'Show answer' below the close-up. If you don't want to guess you can just look at them.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Show answer


Anne said...

Thank you for posting these! They helped me plan a lesson for Japanese children learning English.

Ronda said...

Thank you for posting EXACTLY what I was looking for. I remember this kind of puzzles from some magazine when I was a child, and thought it would be a breeze to find some examples on the internet. Not so! Apparently they are out of style. :) But you have some good ones here, and I'm thankful. I'm hoping to use them as a visual in a blog post of mine, so I'll send you a link to show you what I have in mind.

Greg S said...

These are great. I do these exercises with my Korean photography classes to learn both photography and English. Your site is nicely laid out and I like the idea of zooming out to get the whole item in the frame. Next time I'll have my students do it that way too. I can share what we produce if you want more content.

homefire said...

I was just browsing back through blog posts and came here to see if you had new stuff. I'm bummed to see that you don't. :(

But it also occurred to me that I never did share with you the post I wrote where I linked to your blog. I have basically no readers (which explains why my link didn't bog down your site ;) ) but I thought you might be interested in seeing it anyway.

Anonymous said...

A tape cutter

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I also think it's a tape cutter

Anonymous said...

Is there a name for this kind of art/puzzle?